The Unconventional Path To Growing Your Coaching Business

By Nora Noelle Brown

Ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering why strategies that seem to turn everything they touch into gold for one coach don’t quite do the trick for you? If you’ve ever thought, “What the heck is wrong with me? What am I missing?” you’re not alone.

The real secret to growing your coaching business? Discovering your strategy. One that energizes you and keeps you moving forward. Because, let’s face it, growing your business is all about commitment and consistency. So how to find your strategy? Let me give you three real-life examples of coaches who turned nothing into a 6-figure coaching business.

Alexa | No Niching Down

Let me share a story to kick things off. Meet Alexa, a life coach who transformed her small blog into a booming coaching business by doing everything the ‘guru’ advice advised against. The constant push to “niche down” was draining her passion. So, she went the opposite direction—she broadened her topics. And guess what? Not only did she start enjoying her business again, but that’s also when she began seeing real, tangible results.

Her audience loved her diverse content so much that she turned her blog into a membership platform. Now, she enjoys the sweet stability of recurring income, and every week, she has members applying to work with her one-on-one.

Alexa’s journey is a powerful reminder that understanding your unique strengths and audience is key. Her success didn’t come from walking the path laid out by every other business coach. She carved her own.

So, why doesn’t one-size-fits-all advice work for everyone? It mistakenly assumes all coaches, clients, and strategies are identical, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve worked with hundreds of coaches, and not two of them have the same strategy to get consistent results.

Ashlee | No Social Media

Take Ashlee, another client of mine, a business coach who thrived through unconventional marketing techniques. Social media? Not her jam. She dove into in-person networking and speaking engagements instead, aligning perfectly with her extroverted nature. Now, she’s leveraging a membership model to keep clients engaged long after her programs end, ensuring maximum growth.

Ashlee’s story underscores the importance of choosing strategies that resonate with your personality, style, and business model. It’s not about tossing all advice out the window but about selecting what genuinely aligns with your vision and values.

Embracing your unique path isn’t about rejecting all conventional wisdom. It’s about tuning into your intuition, really understanding your audience, and being brave enough to experiment.

Taylor | Burned-Out Mom

And then there’s Taylor, a wellness coach and single mom who was working a 9-5. The online courses everyone touted as the future? They felt overwhelming. The idea of constantly having to market herself for new course sales made her want to quit before she even started. Instead, she focused on her membership and a premium group coaching program. Fast forward, and she’s now running a six-figure business, having left her 9-5 behind.

Taylor’s success story is a beautiful testament to the fact that authenticity and alignment with your core offerings pave the way to success in coaching.

Remember, the most successful coaches aren’t those who blindly followed the path others laid out. They’re the ones who dared to carve their own, whether through unconventional marketing, broadening their niche, or focusing on personalized services. 

Your unique approach is your superpower. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. You’ve got everything it takes. It’s time to say “to heck with the rules” and find the courage to discover a strategy that works for you.

Curious about how my clients are using memberships to grow their coaching businesses? Download the free Membership Mastery Blueprint to discover the 12 big topics we walk through inside the Membership Mastery Academy. 

You’re more the coach who wants to take action NOW and see results fast? Then you definitely want to check out the Membership Mastery Kickstarter. In just 30 days from now you will have your membership up and your first paying clients in. It includes everything from crafting your first month of content, putting a spectacular onboarding sequence in place to a DONE-for-you launch strategy (Including posts, story scripts, e-mails, and even captions!). 

Membership Mastery Kickstarter


Launch your membership AND have your first paying members within 30 days with the Membership Mastery Kickstarter. It breaks down day-by-day how to set it up, have a stellar first month of content and onboarding, and a complete done-for-you launch strategy – even all the emails, captions, stories, and feed posts are written out for you!