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Three Simple Tips To A 6-Figure Coaching Business

Three Simple Tips To A 6-Figure Coaching Business By Nora Noelle Brown6-Hey love, Nora here! If you want to get REAL tips on how to grow your coaching business to 6 figures, keep reading. This one is for you.  Most of my clients have asked me, one way or another, how...

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The Only Freebie To Get Clients

The Only Freebie That Attracts Coaching Clients By Nora Noelle BrownAre you blindly copying "guru" advice but aren't bringing in the clients? Today, I want to talk about a very specific one: freebies! What would happen if you upgraded your freebie to a low-ticket...

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The Unconventional Path To Growing Your Coaching Business

The Unconventional Path To Growing Your Coaching Business By Nora Noelle BrownEver found yourself scratching your head, wondering why strategies that seem to turn everything they touch into gold for one coach don't quite do the trick for you? If you've ever thought,...

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Unlocking The Membership Model

Unlocking the Membership Model For Coaches By Nora Noelle BrownHave you ever dreamed of having a steady flow of income month after month, without the constant hustle? Imagine not having to chase after clients or worry about your next payday, or your next 1:1 client....

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Attract Clients with Testimonials

How to attract new coaching clients with testimonials? By Nora Noelle BrownAre you gathering those glowing testimonials only to find they're gathering digital dust instead of attracting clients? It’s time for a change. Testimonials are more than just kind words;...

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How To Build a 6-Fig Coaching Business From Scratch

How to build a 6-figure coaching business from scratch - The Simpler Way By Nora Noelle BrownDreaming of that 6-figure coaching business? The path to success is simpler than you think. And no, it doesn't involve mimicking every guru's strategy or flooding inboxes with...

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Unlock the Secret to Predictable Income

Unlock The Secret To Consistent Coaching Clients By Nora Noelle BrownEver wonder why it feels like a ghost town when you try to turn followers from your free stuff into coaching clients? Whether those leads are e-mail subscribers, from a free masterclass or...

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Unlock the secret to consistent clients

Unlock the Secret to Predictable Income By Nora Noelle BrownAre you tired of the income rollercoaster that comes with always finding that next (or first) 1:1 client?  Imagine having a steady stream of income flowing into your business, month after month, and ALWAYS...

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Hi Coaches, let's connect! My name is Nora - mom, wife, big-ass introvert, and a business coach for over a decade. My ONLY mission is to help you grow your coaching business as simply as possible, leveraging the power of memberships. It's a game-changer! Grab the free MMA blueprint and connect with me on Instagram and Pinterest. Can't wait to meet you!

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The MMA is a powerful blend of 1:1 coaching and a course, designed to take your coaching business to the next level by leveraging the power of memberships within 90 days: ensure clients, secure predictable income, and scale without working more!



Join the Membership Mastery Kickstarter: With this course, you’ll launch your membership, get your first paying members, and a bucket full of high-ticket HOT leads – in just 30 days. It is so step-by-step, you can’t go wrong!



Download the free official MMA blueprint and learn exactly how the MMA brings your business to the next level in three stages, in just 90 days! Discover the stages, exactly what is covered and the three ways you can join the MMA.




The biggest introvert you’ll ever meet! As a mom, glorious wife, and sucker for the furry friends, I love to do things my way. This rebellious side definitely helped me in business. 

With a background in neuropsychology and buyer’s psychology, I grew a business coaching business that works for me. Even when I need a time out.

With the power of memberships, I secured consistent 40k+ months, and this is on top of 1:1 coaching & other offers.  The workload? On average 20h per week.

And through my Membership Mastery offers, I’m on a mission to show coaches how to make memberships work for them too. Whether you want to use it as a lead generator, to secure that handsome monthly pay, to make your clients want to stay with your forever, or all of the above, a membership has got you covered!